by Andrea Davis, intern


Everyone is a busy. In fact, life can get absolutely nuts sometimes, and writing just doesn’t seem feasible. Maybe you’re a parent of three, also a wife or husband, working full-time, attending graduate school full-time, while also trying to create a literary masterpiece. Seems impossible, right? WRONG!

It’s about balance, and HippoCamp: A Conference for Creative Nonfiction Writers is here to help.  In the upcoming conference, there will be multiple sessions providing tools, guides, and inspiration for you to get where you want to be.

Take it from Allison K Williams in her HippoCamp session, Twenty-Five Hours In The Day: Planning and Living a Writing Life. There are ways to navigate your personal life while still maintaining your writing life. But before you’re going to be able to master it, she is going to help you find the problem, define your personal mission, and set up “actionable goals” that will help you get going.

Or, perhaps you go to your “day job” and excel at everything there but then, when you get home, you find every excuse possible to not write. Carina Sitkus and Amy Young Evrard will show you Ways Make Your “Work” Work for you in their Sunday breakout session. Here, they’ll reassure you that it’s OK to NOT quit your day job in order to write and that, in fact, it could even help fuel it!


If you would like to register or find out more about the conference and sessions offered, please visit our website:


Let’s get our discipline on!



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