All Levels Breakout Session Create (Craft)

Writing is Not a Solitary Act: How and Why to be a Literary Citizen (Topics 1)

Hickory Room August 25, 2018 8:45 am - 9:45 am

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Tyler Barton

Sitting down to do the work is hard when you feel isolated. But whether you live in a metropolis, a little city, a college town, the countryside, or mostly on the internet, there are other artists everywhere, and today it’s easier than ever to find one another. This goes beyond “networking”—building a community is about inspiring, encouraging, and supporting other artists as well as yourself. This session will explore the many benefits of literary citizenship, providing concrete strategies for finding, building, and maximizing writerly relationships. We’ll talk about how (and why) to make friends. We’ll brainstorm ideas for new, innovative arts gatherings. We’ll each dream up our own, ideal, arts environment, and we’ll outline steps for making it a reality.
View Slides (PDF)

Note: The session previously scheduled for this time slot, “How to Open Your Memoir With Immediate Impact” with Catherine Campbell was been cancelled due to schedule conflict; we’ve replaced it with an equally awesome topic!